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Showing posts with the label Information About education of Nepal

Education In Nepal: How Should be the education of Nepal: Nepal vs Abroad

Overview The History of education in nepal begins from the very early gurukuls. Gurukuls are the place or the residence of guru(Teacher) where students used to go, stay, Serve guru and learn from Guru. It was the practice but very few children were lucky to be able to attend gurukul.  But over the time the lifestyle was changed, the culture was modified, communities were built up and the awareness about the importance of the Education was raised very drastically. The first formal school of nepal was durbar high school. It was established in 1853 by Jung Bahadur Rana. But Do you know, How was the modality of school?  no? Let me tell you that it was only open for the royal students of the place (Rajpariwar, Rajkumar) In 1951(2007 BS) the real revolution in education was begun. After this the ordinary public were allowed to go to school. This was the beginning of formal education in nepal. Today there are more then 50 thousand plus schools and colleges in Nepal. The literacy rate...