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Showing posts with the label Education Analysis

Do you know? Interesting Facts of Education.

 here we present interesting facts about education.                                            The students in China receive the most homework in the world. At an average, teenagers do a whopping 14 hours of homework in a week. Consider yourself lucky, you didn't have to! France has the shortest school year from August to June and also the longest school day. World's oldest school is in Canterbury, England. The King's School, as it is named, was founded in 597 AD. Kids in Japan are the most independent of the lot. They travel to school alone, clean their own classrooms and even carry lunch Kids in Japan are the most independent of the lot. They travel to school alone, clean their own classrooms and even carry lunch  Iran is one country where girls and boys are educated separately until the time they reach college. The world's highest school is situated in Phumachangtan...

LockDown, Exams and Students

                                               As we all are aware, more then 2/3 rd population of the entire world is under lockdown. Most of the businesses are closed(nearly 80%). Businesses are not being able to pay their rent and are unable to pay their staffs.         Whole world is fighting the corona virus. We are uncertain about the life a death. We are following the precautions as guided by medical experts. We all are trying our best to maintin the social distancing and keep the corona virus away .        Despite of all these efforts more then 3 lakhs peoples have been dead. About 5 million people are infected. Scientists and doctors are working  24/7 to develop antitode of corona virus but aren't succed yet. The death trool is raising . Peoples are afraid, demotivated and depressed too..      ...