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LockDown, Exams and Students

                                               As we all are aware, more then 2/3 rd population of the entire world is under lockdown.
Most of the businesses are closed(nearly 80%).
Businesses are not being able to pay their rent and are unable to pay their staffs. 
       Whole world is fighting the corona virus. We are uncertain about the life a death. We are following the precautions as guided by medical experts. We all are trying our best to maintin the social distancing and keep the corona virus away . 
      Despite of all these efforts more then 3 lakhs peoples have been dead. About 5 million people are infected. Scientists and doctors are working  24/7 to develop antitode of corona virus but aren't succed yet. The death trool is raising .
Peoples are afraid, demotivated and depressed too.. 
       Because of the lockdown and the tides of corona virus peoples are facing various psychological problems and mentally affected. 
And the students are the highly affected group. 

    Many school and institutions have started online classes through and many other different Go live applications and softwares. But the major question is, are all students capable of attending the classes .
Okay it may be normal and fully possible in the developed countries but is it possible in the poor countries with low infrastructure for internet teaching learning platform ? 

Definately not .
In the Countries like Nepal,India,pakistan,etc where the internet is just booming in cities and the remote villages are just struggling with cell network, it is very difficult to adore the online teaching system .

Some reason to show, why online education is not fit at the present :-

1.Corona pandemic - Since this pandemic have affected the whole human community mentally and emotionally . This is not right time to force for education, degrees and certificates.

2.Emotional Health- Many students are worried about their studies and exams that were postponded because of corona . 
At this particularl time neither they are mentality well nor they can focus on their studies. 
As many expert doctors suggests, one should be emotionally strong to fight the corona virus, students should be prepared for that. 

Otherwise the next generation will face a huge mental outbreak plus anxiety and depression .

So, at this particular time we should focus on metal goodness rather then then grades. We should focus on physical wellbeing ,mental plus emotional betterment . 

Some states in india have started a alternative solution . They have passed all the students but haven't mentioned their grades in paper .  . This is one of the best psychological approach to help the students psychologically and emotionally. 

At last,  
Corona is a disaster, a huge disaster to the human world . It have affected various sectors including education . Finance and Businesses are about to bankrupt. So rather then focusing on the grades we should shift our focus for mental wellbeing. 
Stay at your homes, 
Maintain the social distancing 
And fight against the covid-19 .


And Comment your views about, 
How corona have affected the world??


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