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LockDown, Exams and Students

                                               As we all are aware, more then 2/3 rd population of the entire world is under lockdown. Most of the businesses are closed(nearly 80%). Businesses are not being able to pay their rent and are unable to pay their staffs.         Whole world is fighting the corona virus. We are uncertain about the life a death. We are following the precautions as guided by medical experts. We all are trying our best to maintin the social distancing and keep the corona virus away .        Despite of all these efforts more then 3 lakhs peoples have been dead. About 5 million people are infected. Scientists and doctors are working  24/7 to develop antitode of corona virus but aren't succed yet. The death trool is raising . Peoples are afraid, demotivated and depressed too..      ...

Eduworld;Top 10 universities In the Word.

The 10 best universities in the world !!! The ranking takes 13 different variables that measure academic research into consideration, including academic reputation, international collaboration, publications and citations. In order to gather information in these categories, U.S. News partnered with Clarivate Analytics to survey 26,810 professors, researchers, senior administrators, students and university employees from across the globe. Here are the 10 best global universities, according to U.S. News: 10. University of Washington, Seattle Location: Seattle, Washington, U.S. Total enrollment: 45,476 International students: 7,313 9. University of Cambridge Location: Cambridge, England, U.K. Total enrollment: ~19,000 International students: ~3,000 8. Princeton University Location: Princeton, New Jersey, U.S. Total enrollment: 7,996 International students: 1,950 7. Columbia University Location: New York, New York, U.S. Total enrollment: 26,586 International students: 9,745 6. California In...

10 best Android learning apps to increase your knowledge!

10 best Android learning apps to increase your knowledge! The smartphone or tablet to learn just makes sense. It’s a device that is almost always with you which means you can take your learning everywhere and there are a metric ton of resources to teach you. If you want to fast track your progress and learn about just about anything, here are the best learning apps for Android. 1.Amazon Kindle 2.Coursera 3.Duolingo 4.Khan Academy 5.LinkedIn Learning 6.Photomath 7.SoloLearn 8.Udemy 9.WolframAlpha 10.YouTube 1.Amazon Kindle Price: Free / Book costs vary You simply buy them, download them, and read them. It’s delightfully old school, but some people enjoy that. Books are generally less expensive than their physical counterparts. Your device can also store tons of them without running out of space. Those who don’t like Amazon Kindle have other options.  2.Coursera Price: Free / Class costs vary Coursera is an online school of sorts.  Each one educates you on a different topic. It ...

Education In Nepal: How Should be the education of Nepal: Nepal vs Abroad

Overview The History of education in nepal begins from the very early gurukuls. Gurukuls are the place or the residence of guru(Teacher) where students used to go, stay, Serve guru and learn from Guru. It was the practice but very few children were lucky to be able to attend gurukul.  But over the time the lifestyle was changed, the culture was modified, communities were built up and the awareness about the importance of the Education was raised very drastically. The first formal school of nepal was durbar high school. It was established in 1853 by Jung Bahadur Rana. But Do you know, How was the modality of school?  no? Let me tell you that it was only open for the royal students of the place (Rajpariwar, Rajkumar) In 1951(2007 BS) the real revolution in education was begun. After this the ordinary public were allowed to go to school. This was the beginning of formal education in nepal. Today there are more then 50 thousand plus schools and colleges in Nepal. The literacy rate...